Charlottesville, VA 22903
Popular with students for abundant, 24-hour study space and media-related services, Clemons is one of the busiest libraries on Grounds. Our large DVD selection and collection related to philosophy, history, and more, provide everything a scholar needs. Clemons is also home to Gallery 4, a student-centered outreach space featuring student-created art, multimedia work, and interactive, rotating displays.
Study spaces include booths and tables on the 4th floor, a variety of seating on the 3rd floor in the Robertson Media Center, a large amount of reservable and open seating in the Georges Student Center on the 2nd floor, and large tables among book stacks on the 1st floor.
Reservable study spaces
The second floor of Clemons Library houses the Dathel and John Georges Student Center. The space contains large study areas and reservable rooms for groups. Questions? Contact Junjun Yu at!
Tech spaces
The Robertson Media Center (434-924-7474, provides cutting-edge technology and support for media creation of every kind, from 3D motion capture and animation to podcasting and film editing.
The 3D Printing Studio is free and open to anyone at the University after a brief training. We offer group trainings, workshops, and events to help Library visitors learn and master 3D printing technology.
Other spaces
The "tabling table" is on the entrance floor of Clemons, facing the lobby and front doors. It is for UVA departments and organizations to promote their activities. We do not allow any sales, fundraisers, donations, or other money collecting. Reserve the Clemons 4th floor table.