Digital Humanities Center

The primary goal of the DH Center is to build a vibrant, flourishing, and impactful community, thus cultivating and enhancing the research, teaching, and learning activities of UVA faculty, students, and affiliated groups.

UVA’s Digital Humanities Center is located on the third floor of Shannon Library. The Center is comprised of two main labs:

Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH)

IATH’s goal is to explore and develop information technology as a tool for scholarly humanities research. IATH provides Fellows with consulting, technical support, applications development, and networked publishing facilities. They also cultivate partnerships and participate in humanities computing initiatives with libraries, publishers, information technology companies, scholarly organizations, and other groups residing at the intersection of computers and cultural heritage.

Scholars’ Lab

The Scholars’ Lab is a community lab for the practice of experimental scholarship in all fields, informed by digital humanities, spatial technologies, & cultural heritage thinking. Scholars’ Lab offers mentoring, collaboration, and a safe space for anyone curious about learning to push disciplinary and methodological boundaries through new approaches.