
A robust scholarly repository that puts your UVA research center stage.

  • LibraOpen accepts a range of scholarly output: articles, pre-prints, books, presentations, posters, etc.,
  • creates an immediate, persistent, worldwide-discoverable URL for your work (DOI – Digital Object Identifier),
  • and allows you to easily and definitively claim and connect your scholarship using an ORCID iD.

Why use LibraOpen?

Current scholarship is not one size fits all. LibraOpen supports a broad range of scholarly outputs. Presenting a poster about your work at a conference? Upload the poster to Libra and use the resulting persistent link in citations or other scholarly work! Have a recording of your presentation in another institution? Great — create an entry with a link to the media and make your work visible worldwide! Published and pre-print articles can go into LibraOpen as well.
When you deposit work in Libra, Libra creates a persistent URL for your work (DOI – Digital Object Identifier), that is immediately available for sharing and promotion. Within an hour of depositing material in Libra, your work is discoverable through Virgo. Beyond UVA, the entry is immediately discoverable by search engines and thus is available for educators, scholars, and the public, all around the world.

With LibraOpen you can make journal articles immediately available in order to comply with federal funder mandates in the OSTP Nelson Memo.

ORCID: Claim your work!

“Which Jane Smith are you again?”
Libra offers ORCID iDs to connect your scholarship to you via unique personal digital identifier, in addition to your name. Your ORCID iD ensures that you are connected to your scholarly contributions “across disciplines, borders, and time.” For information on using ORCID at UVA, see the UVA ORCiD Guide

Is your work in another open repository?

Great! LibraOpen allows you to create entries linking them to Open Access content stored in other repositories. This allows you to keep the “master” copy with a discipline-based repository (like arXiv or MLA Commons) and increase exposure through Virgo.

What about data sets and student scholarship?

LibraData (UVA’s Dataverse repository) and LibraETD are well-established homes for this content. Dataverse is a powerful data repository to share, publish, and archive your data. Libra for Electronic Theses/Dissertations (“LibraETD”) provides safe and secure storage for UVA student theses and dissertations. Submitting work through LibraETD is a graduation requirement for all graduate students whose programs have required theses, and recommended for all students whose programs have optional theses.

Do I have to commit to a certain set of rights to use LibraOpen?

You choose the rights for your work when you submit to LibraOpen. Options include numerous Creative Commons options, as well as All Rights Reserved.

Who can see the work I put into LibraOpen?

Upon submission, you choose between two Deposit Agreements which determine visibility:

  • Libra Public Deposit License This license means you agree to make the description and full contents of your submission available worldwide. You retain the copyright to your work, and you retain the right to submit your work to publishers and other repositories. This license allows you to take the fullest advantage of LibraOpen’s discoverability.
  • Libra UVA-only Deposit License This license means you agree to make the description of your work available worldwide, and the full contents of your submission available to students, faculty, staff, and walk-in users of UVA Libraries. Note that this license does not make your work accessible to the scholarly community outside of UVA.

Where else should I make my work discoverable?

LibraOpen is just one of many options for sharing open scholarly output. Contact your library liaison for a consultation about scholarly repositories and open publishing options in your discipline. The Libra team can help as well, contact


Contact us at

Ready to deposit?

Continue to the LibraOpen Deposit Checklist, or go right to LibraOpen.